Reflections on Life, Love, & Other Stuff While Traveling the World by Nikki Javit, Free Kindle Nonfiction Books, Deals

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  1. *** Cookbooks, Diet Books, Health, Mental Health, Exercise & Fitness
  2. **Weight Watchers Instant Pot Freestyle Cookbook #2019: Affordable, Easy and Healthy Recipes to Loss Weight, Stay Healthy & Living Free Lifestyle by Alexander Owen. Price: Free. Genre: Cookbook, Food & Wine, Turkish Cooking. Rated: 4.7 stars on 159 Reviews. 127 pages. ASIN: B081C8K5Y2.
  3. *BITE ME – Banish Disease! The Quantum Reality of Food (Deal, Not Free) by Jean Sheehan. Price: $0.99. Genre: Health & Fitness Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Be inspired to live the life you were born to live. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 201 pages. 243 pages. ASIN: B0827BK2FZ.
  4. *Easy Diabetic Meal Prep 2019-2020: Simple and Healthy Recipes – 3 Weeks Meal Plan – Lower Blood Sugar and Reverse Diabetes by Betty Moore. Price: Free. Genre: Cookbook, Food & Wine, Diabetes. Rated: 5 stars on 37 Reviews. 91 pages. ASIN: B07ZHCZMSX.
  5. *Smart meal prep for beginners: 100+ easy recipes for your family. A genuine, ready-to-go, and low budget meal plan. How to save your money while eating healthy. A wonderful cookbook for beginners! by Eric Carrie. Price: Free. Genre: Quick & Easy Cooking, Professional Cooking. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 173 pages. ASIN: B082GGJYW2.
  6. *Reiki for beginners: A Self-Healing & Meditation Guide. Unlock the Secrets of Aura Cleansing. How to Use Crystals & Chakras to Improve Health, Body & Life and to Increase and Balance Your Energy by Sichet Fema Kriya. Price: Free. Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting, Holistic Medicine. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 107 pages. ASIN: B082KT6N2Q.
  7. *Plant Based Meal Plan: A Beginners Guide to a Fat-free Lifestyle, Lose Weight & Energize Your Body with a lot of Nutrition, a 30-day Cookbook protein based for people and athletes with vegan solution by Dorothy Fox. Price: Free. Genre: Vegan & Vegetarian Cooking. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 115 pages. ASIN: B082J12FFP.
  8. *Keto Chaffle Recipes #2020: 90+ Of The Most Irresistible Ketogenic Low Carb Chaffles To Boost Metabolism, Weight Loss, And Fat Burning. 5g Net Of Carbs Or Less For A Healthy Lifestyle by Marta Greene. Price: Free. Genre: Cookbook, Food & Wine, Pastry Baking, Low Carb Cooking. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 140 pages. ASIN: B082J4CLCP.
  9. *Diabetic Keto Diet Book: Keto Diet Plan for Diabetes. Diabetic Keto Cookbook. (Keto Diet for Diabetics Type 2 and Type 1) by Viktoria McCartney. Price: Free. Genre: Cookbook, Food & Wine, Medical Diseases. Rated: 4.9 stars on 32 Reviews. 95 pages. ASIN: B07YJMD73Q.
  10. *Gastric Sleeve Cookbook #2020: The Complete Bariatric Cookbook with Healthy and Most Delicious Recipes After Weight Loss Surgery by Nicholas Dominic. Price: Free. Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting, Nurse & Patient, Nursing Patient Education. Rated: 4.9 stars on 29 Reviews. 132 pages. ASIN: B08264VLNB.
  11. *The Complete College Cookbook for Dummies: 5-Ingredient Affordable, Quick and Easy Recipes for Smart People and the Next Four Years (28-Day Meal Plan Included) by Hesbon Tum. Price: Free. Genre: Cookbook, Food & Wine, Cooking Fruit. Rated: 4.7 stars on 41 Reviews. 146 pages. ASIN: B0816GY7YT.
  12. The Complete 5-Ingredient Diabetic Cookbook: Simple and Easy Recipes for Busy People on Diabetic Diet with 4-Week Meal Plan by Mike Smith. Price: Free. Genre: General Diabetes Health. Rated: 4.7 stars on 9 Reviews. 233 pages. ASIN: B081YVRTQN.
  13. Young, Fit, & Happy: Unlocking the simple, frugal secrets to looking and feeling good by Takako Daniel, Heidi Daniel. Price: Free. Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting, Aging, Alzheimer’s Diseases. Rated: 4.7 stars on 5 Reviews. 74 pages. ASIN: B07V6T414G.
  14. Autophagy: Learn How to Purify your Body to Live Healthy and Longer, Reduce Inflammation and Activate the Anti-Aging Process for Rapid and Safe Weight Loss. With Foods that Boost Autophagy by Beverly Moore. Price: Free. Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting, Endocrine System. Rated: 4.7 stars on 4 Reviews. 100 pages. ASIN: B082LRLK46.
  15. PLANT-BASED COOKBOOK, PLANT-BASED DIET FOR BEGINNERS: by Mike Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Budget Cooking, Low Budget Cooking, Vegan & Vegetarian Cooking. Rated: 5 stars on 10 Reviews. 148 pages. ASIN: B081VNGYTT.
  16. My Journey to being Asthma Free: How I Turned from a Depressed Asthmatic into an Ultramarathon Runner – Without Drugs by Cristian Andrei Andriesei, Carmen Ultimescu. Price: Free. Genre: Allergies, Respiratory Diseases. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 152 pages. ASIN: B076Q611K9.
  17. *** Biographies & Memoirs, True Crime, History
  18. *HH Mahaperiyava’s Last Padha Yatra by HH Mettur Swamigal. Price: Free. Genre: Biography & Memoir, Indian Travel. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 31 pages. ASIN: B00D7NET0Y.
  19. *LIFE LAUNCH – Surviving the Storms of Physical and Sexual Abuse – Book One (Deal, Not Free) by Dr. Liz Bataille. Price: $0.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoir Deal, Sponsor, Dr. Liz’ personal memoir, Chronicles the first 25 years of her life living in abusive environments. Rated: 5 stars on 14 Reviews. 148 pages. ASIN: B07V3N3YL5.
  20. *A Journey Down Under – We live, We love, We stay by Ace Campillo, Rebecca Millar. Price: $0.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal, Sponsor, a Memoir about not limiting yourself, about achieving what you thought was impossible. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B07Z84N6G5. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  21. *77th and Broadway – A Decade in a World of Crime (Deal, Not Free) by Richard Wills. Price: $0.99. Genre: Crime Biographies & Memoirs Deal, Sponsor, True Crime. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 223 pages. ASIN: B081SFY4GT. ISBN: 0962282294
  22. Identity Uncertain: Autobiography by Fred Schäfer. Price: Free. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs of Authors, Memoirs. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 331 pages. ASIN: B01N64GM22. ISBN: 1539757439
  23. Passport Joy: Reflections on Life, Love, & Other Stuff While Traveling the World by Nikki Javit. Price: Free. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs, Adventurer & Explorer, Travel. Rated: 4.8 stars on 6 Reviews. 81 pages. ASIN: B07NGS9M8K.
  24. Spies of Rome: Blood & Honour by Richard Foreman. Price: Free. Genre: Ancient Roman History. Rated: 4.7 stars on 4 Reviews. 275 pages. ASIN: B07D3B8KFQ.
  25. *** Non-Fiction, Parenting, Self Help, Manifestation
  26. *The Relationship Cure: Let’s consolidate your relationship. How to dismount all the negative aspects, replacing them with positive new inputs. Recover your hurt soul! by Amy Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships, Marriage & Long-Term Relationships. Rated: 5 stars on 25 Reviews. 206 pages. ASIN: B081LH26QM.
  27. *The Bruises from my Mother’s Love (Deal, Not Free) by Danette King. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Child Abuse, Each book will allow you to chime in on how she endured and survived her abusive mother along with other adversities. Rated: 4.7 stars on 20 Reviews. 74 pages. ASIN: B00TZ9L1KA.
  28. *Dark Knights – The Dark Humor of Police Officers (Deal, Not Free) by Robert L. Bryan. Price: $0.99. Genre: Non Fiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Life of A Police Officer. Rated: 4.1 stars on 32 Reviews. 345 pages. ASIN: B0711CB8K2.
  29. *Thirteen Ways to Talk About Thirteen Reasons Why: A Parent’s Guide – How to Have Effective Conversations with Teens about the Netflix Series by Stephanie Kreml. Price: Free. Genre: Child Discipline, Parenting Morals & Responsibility, Adolescent Counseling. Rated: 5 stars on 11 Reviews. 206 pages. ASIN: B07D5436W6.
  30. *Developing Success, Motivation & Inspiration by M. Curtis McCoy. Price: Free. Genre: Non Fiction Self Help, Sponsor, an inspiring and motivating story of losing everything to brain cancer, and getting back on your feet and achieving even greater success. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 14 pages. ASIN: B07JKCFNK2. Get the eBook version here, please.
  31. *The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The Beginner’s Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy by Mike Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Religion & Spirituality, Chakras. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 81 pages. ASIN: B081Z3G16T.
  32. *The Simulation Hypothesis – An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are In a Video Game (Deal, Not Free) by Rizwan Virk. Price: $0.99. Genre: Technology Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Cybernetics, An explanation on one of the most daring and consequential theories of our time by MIT computer scientist and Silicon Valley video game designer. Rated: 4.2 stars on 57 Reviews. 332 pages. ASIN: B07M81F1KG.
  33. *The Meat Free Fitness Menu – 51 Healthy Vegetarian Recipes For Gym Lovers (Deal, Not Free) by Marc McLean, Victoria Murphy. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vegetarian Recipes Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Easy to make meatless meals, 51 Vegan recipes for gym loves. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 146 pages. ASIN: B0829974LN.
  34. *Self Discipline: This book includes: Change Your Brain – How to Be Yourself – Improve Your Social Skills – Stop Overthinking by Ryan Winters. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Personal Transformation. Rated: 5 stars on 5  Reviews. 433 pages. ASIN: B082HXTZSB.
  35. *GET THAT JOB – ACE Your JOB Interview – Every Time!: First Job Interviewing Tips – Job Interview Weaknesses – Key Job Interview Questions! Master Good Job … (Tips to Starting College Series Book 1) (Deal, Not Free) by Christine Reidhead. Price: $0.99. Genre: Job Hunting Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, 10 common job interview mistakes and how to avoid them. Rated: 4.9 stars on 18 Reviews. 32 pages. ASIN: B082DRMJC8.
  36. *THE GHOST SIGNAL – New Paranormal Research in recently deceased ghosts, entities, new theories, new Techniques, new enhancements and the afterworld revealed by Jimmy Ghinis. Price: Free. Genre: Non Fiction Book, Sponsor, The best methods of detecting ghosts, Paranormal Research. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 41 pages. ASIN: B07MBR2Q7Z.
  37. *Self-Discipline: Build Mental Toughness and Master Your Focus to Improve Productivity and Achieve Your Goals (Complete Blueprint for Success) by Sam Living. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help, Applied Psychology. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 95 pages. ASIN: B082J5RZR8.
  38. **Jake’s Quest For The Five Stones – An Adventure Guide To Crystals (Be The Alchemist) (Deal, Not Free) by Hanit Benbassat. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, ideal for anyone who wishes to understand crystals’ healing powers and how to best connect with and care for them. Rated: 5 stars on 51 Reviews. 97 pages. ASIN: B07K8W3HH9.
  39. *The Whisper of a Saint – A Search for the Permanent Bliss of Enlightenment (Deal, Not Free) by Richard Dietrich Maddox. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, A 50 year old pupil leaves US to meet his teacher on the others side of the world, A Search for the Permanent Bliss of Enlightenment. Rated: 4.7 stars on 16 Reviews. 337 pages. ASIN: B07677Z5L7.
  40. *Toddler Discipline: Montessori Guidebook made simple and Montessori Method at Home by Esther M. Toddler. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting & Relationships, Experimental Education Methods, Homeschooling. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. ASIN: B082GHVDFB.
  41. *Naked and Ashamed – The Battle of Sexual Temptation (Deal, Not Free) by Sheela Fields. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Have you ever been sexually tempted, sexual temptation is the only sin that can change your life in one split second, while a religious book it can be read by anyone fighting sexual temptation. Rated: 5 stars on 2 Reviews. 73 pages. ASIN: B07XZB4Q16.
  42. *100 Sex Positions: The Ultimate Book for Couples who wants to Spice up their Sexual Life (Easy, Intermediate, Advanced poses with PICTURES) (BONUS: Oral sex tips) by Adam McLovin. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Sexuality. Rated: 4.9 stars on 20 Reviews. 68 pages. ASIN: B081P2JXPY.
  43. *Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires – Crack the Code to Greater Wealth, Health, and Happiness (Deal, Not Free) by Matthew R. Kratter. Price: $0.99. Genre: Wealth Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Secrets to greater wealth, Simple investment principles obtained from 20 self-made millionaires. Rated: 5 stars on 10 Reviews. 126 pages. ASIN: B081M8S3BB.
  44. *The Anatomy Of Financial Success – The Key To Building Financial Confidence And Destroying Financial Insecurity (Deal, Not Free) by Elijah Bilel. Price: $0.99. Genre: Personal Finance Deal, Sponsor, How to build and increase the income streams you desire. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B08285Q6KN.
  45. *Dare to Be Seen : From Stage Fright to Stage Presence: Ten Easy Steps to Turn your Performance Anxiety into Authentic Power with Transformational Hypnotherapy by Elisa Di Napoli, Adam Eason. Price: Free. Genre: Nonfiction, Hypnosis Psychology & Counseling, Public Speaking & Speech Writing. Rated: 4.8 stars on 17 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B07Z452PZ5.
  46. *Rise and Thrive – A Guide for Transforming Your Mood, Cultivating Inspiration, and Living Vibrantly with Chronic Illness (Deal, Not Free) by Masumi Goldman. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Eight mood-boosting tasks that can be completed on a daily basis, regardless of how you feel physically, Eight additional healthy lifestyle habits. Rated: 5 stars on 18 Reviews. ASIN: B082GCHCFT.
  47. ***(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Intrusive Thoughts (Training, Techniques, Course, Self-Help) (Deal, Not Free) by Lawrence Wallace. Price: $7.77. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Inspired by compassion, A brilliant advice from a former sufferer of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. Rated: 4.4 stars on 243 Reviews. 47 pages. ASIN: B01BBCKHGM. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  48. *Quotes About Living: Quotes from the Happiness in Your Life Book Series by Doe Zantamata. Price: Free. Genre: Motivational Self-Help, Happiness. Rated: 4.6 stars on 12 Reviews. 96 pages. ASIN: B06Y2LSQFG.
  49. *The Irreducible Primary – A Dialogue on Nature, Spirituality, and the Human Condition (Deal, Not Free) by Rob Taylor, Maria Gianna Iannucci. Price: $1.99. Genre: Non Fiction Book Deal, Sponsor, A Deep Dive on the Necessity of practicing Disciplined Mindfulness and Meditation, Our thoughts are active forms of energy. Rated: 5 stars on 2 Reviews. 117 pages. ASIN: B07JQLCFK6. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  50. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Prioritize Fun – A manifesto for those who want to enjoy life, not endure it (Deal, Not Free) by Nanci Bergman. Price: $2.99. Genre: Non Fiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Methods for Creating New Adventures, Prioritize Fun, Get fun back into your Life. Rated: 4.9 stars on 43 Reviews. 92 pages. ASIN: B07PCJ1BK3. Also get the eBook version here, please.
  51. *The Four Hats of Leadership – Be Who Your People Need You To Be (Deal, Not Free) by Drake Taylor. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Focuses on different aspects of leadership, Author has 15 years of experience in the United States Air Force. Rated: 4.9 stars on 17 Reviews. 92 pages. ASIN: B07Q3YQYQG. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  52. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) tak… Chernobyl Photo Log (Deal, Not Free) by Hyun Kyu Seo. Price: $2.99. Genre: Non Fiction Book Deal, Sponsor, An Excellent Book of Traveling to Chernobyl, The Minimalist cover makes it a Great Coffee Table Book. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B07R63RVGM. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  53. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Chronicles of Guy’s Intradimensional Divine Encounters – Black & White version (Deal, Not Free) by Guy Juarez, Suzzan Babcock. Price: $2.99. Genre: Non Fiction Religious Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Other-worldly tone of his amazing experiences, Uranus opposition. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B07YG87NG8. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  54. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Illusion of Worlds – A Daring Quest For A Life Changing Treasure (Thought Provoking Read) Book 1 (Deal, Not Free) by Daniel Pietrzak. Price: $2.99. Genre: Time Travel Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, a world of infinite possibilities, reality is made of illusions, a treasure hunt you can only unlock by questioning everything, including yourself. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B08157DPP8. Get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  55. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) The Guide To Staying Healthy After 40 For Women…The Keto Way – Live your best life (Deal, Not Free) by Richard Robertson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Keto guide, Life-giving foods that will fill your stomach and give you a sense of well-being and vitality. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B082DXFN46. Get the eBook here, please.
  56. The Jealousy Cure: The Anti-Jealousy’s Handbook. How to practice Confidence, get over Possessiveness and reach the Relationship’s healing by Mark Gottman. Price: Free. Genre: Disability Parenting, Marriage & Long-Term Relationships, Parenting Hyperactive Children. Rated: 4.7 stars on 5 Reviews. 197 pages. ASIN: B081Y5LQYP.
  57. Manipulation Techniques: Persuasion and Mind Control by Andrew Deep. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Kindle eBooks. Rated: 4.6 stars on 9 Reviews. 138 pages. ASIN: B082FJHFZ6.
  58. The 7 Steps for Transmuting Desire Into Power: An ancient procedure to unleash your animal magnetism, your creative genius, and attract everything you desire by Ruwan Meepagala, Isaac Navias. Price: Free. Genre: Self-Help, Sexuality. Rated: 4.7 stars on 4 Reviews. 27 pages. ASIN: B01MU8EJ0M.
  59. Workbook To Analyze People: Practical Exercises: Analyze Verbal Communication and Body Language — Persuade People — Control Mind by Dale McLeo. Price: Free. Genre: Nonfiction, Cognitive Psychology, Applied Psychology. Rated: 4.5 stars on 4 Reviews. 99 pages. ASIN: B081DZP6WC.
  60. Mindfulness For Stress Management: How to cultivate and improve your mood to regain control of your life by Joseph Sorensen. Price: Free. Genre: Happiness, Emotions & Mental Health. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 124 pages. ASIN: B082L4YQ6P.
  61. *** How To, Prepper, Gardening, DIY
  62. *Minecraft Handbook: The Ultimate Survival Guide For Beginners To Master All The Secrets, Tips And Tricks by Steve Mojan. Price: Free. Genre: Craft, Hobby & Home. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 64 pages. ASIN: B082H3ZWHP.
  63. The Secret Tehniques of Bonsai: The Complete Step By Step Guide for Beginner’s by Mike Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Shade Gardening, Japanese Garden, Shade Gardening. Rated: 4.6 stars on 9 Reviews. 167 pages. ASIN: B081XYZKW6.
  64. Effortlessly Chic – Your Essential Style Guide by Tracy Ilton, Lynne McAra Clark. Price: Free. Genre: Fashion, Fashion & Art, Beauty, Grooming, & Style. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. ASIN: B082KN2H7H.
  65. *** Business, Entrepreneurship, Frugality, Personal Finance
  66. *Waste Not, Borrow Not: An Easy Guide to Finding Money You Didn’t Know You Had by Takako Daniel, Heidi Daniel, H. Roughton. Price: Free. Genre: Nonprofit Organizations & Charities, Health Insurance, Personal Taxes. Rated: 4.9 stars on 24 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B082DPRSS6.
  67. *Wake Up Stupid and Get Out of Debt – The Ultimate Guide to Helping You Cut Out Your Debt, Stop Paying Interest Rates, Pay Off Student Loans, and Finally Live the Life You Deserve (Deal, Not Free) by Chelsey Thompson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Business & Money Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A look at being intentional with your money and your debts, Why you should be debt-free. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 70 pages. ASIN: B0828J2C8H.
  68. *Cleaning Business: 7 Steps To earning $50,000+ A Year From a Residental Cleaning Business by Barry Lakeman. Price: Free. Genre: Business & Money, Business & Investing, Startups. Rated: 4.7 stars on 11 Reviews. 33 pages. ASIN: B01HKL49U8.
  69. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) The Part Time Startup – Your Path to Financial Freedom While Building Your Career (Deal, Not Free) by D.M. Christensen. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business and Entrepreneurship Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Build a business based on your passion and integrity, while keeping your day job, build a path to Financial Freedom. Rated: 4.8 stars on 21 Reviews. 114 pages. ASIN: B07X7S96ZW. Get the eBook version here, please.
  70. OPTIONS TRADING: A crash course to start options trading for income. by Brian Price. Price: Free. Genre: Investing Basics, Analysis & Trading Investing Strategies. Rated: 4.5 stars on 4 Reviews. 165 pages. ASIN: B082G92BHX.
  71. *(Free for Kindle Unlimited) Public Speaking Without Fear – How to Overcome Anxiety and Present with Confidence (Deal, Not Free) by Clare Cairns. Price: $3.93. Genre: Business & Presentations Self Help Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to overcome the anxiety of public speaking and become a confident speaker. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 66 pages. ASIN: B08271GCYS. Also get the eBook version here, please.
  72. Quickbooks: A Beginner’s Guide to Bookkeeping and Accounting for Small Businesses by Mike Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Quickbooks, Small Business Bookkeeping, Business Accounting. Rated: 4.8 stars on 9 Reviews. 128 pages. ASIN: B081Y31BBM.
  73. Python Programming: 2 Books in 1: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide & 7 Days Crash Course, by John Russel. Price: Free. Genre: Python Computer Programming, Word Processing. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. ASIN: B082H3K8JW.
  74. Amazon FBA 2020: The Effective Guide to Lead Your e-Business From Zero to Success by Robert G. Price. Price: Free. Genre: Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, Online Trading. Rated: 4.6 stars on 4 Reviews. 102 pages. ASIN: B081852MBF.
  75. GOT CASH? Discover How to BOOST Your Income by Selling Call Options on Your Stocks and Enjoy Life by Sanford Kahn. Price: Free. Genre: 15-Minute Business & Money Short Reads, Analysis & Trading Investing Strategies. Rated: 5 stars on 8 Reviews. 10 pages. ASIN: B07PXXW93J.
  76. Accounting Book: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Accounting for Small Business by Mike Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Small Business Bookkeeping, Business Accounting. Rated: 4.8 stars on 9 Reviews. 114 pages. ASIN: B081YS3V11.
  77. Amazon Fire HD 8 & 10 With Alexa: 2019 – 2020 Simple User Guide to Use Your All-New Kindle Fire HD Tablet with Alexa . 33 Tips & Tricks Included by Richard Taylor. Price: Free. Genre: Computers & Technology, Mobile Device Programming. Rated: 4.8 stars on 6 Reviews. 53 pages. ASIN: B0825B99KM.
  78. Windows 10: 2019-2020 User Guide to Unlock the True Potential with 60 Latest Tips & Tricks by David McAllister. Price: Free. Genre: Windows Servers, Microsoft Programming, Windows Server Guides. Rated: 4.7 stars on 5 Reviews. ASIN: B082FL4RNQ.
  79. Collision Course – How Good Business Decisions Sank the Titanic and Why by Joseph Mortati. Price: Free. Genre: Business and Money. Rated: 4.5 stars on 4 Reviews. 218 pages. ASIN: B00C259DCM.
  80. 2019 Devices for Christmas Gifts: Latest Smart Home Devices Including Amazon Alexa, Garmin Forerunner, by Steve Sheely. Price: Free. Genre: One-Hour Computers & Technology Short Reads, Computers & Technology Teaching & Reference, Computer Image Processing. Rated: 4.8 stars on 8 Reviews. 40 pages. ASIN: B081LLHDRK.
  81. What A Woman Wants in You: The Essential tips for attracting the right woman and getting to keep her for life! by Patrick Miller, Katrina Richards. Price: Free. Genre: Divorce, Adoption, One-Hour Parenting & Relationships Short Reads. Rated: 4.9 stars on 19 Reviews. 38 pages. ASIN: B081YSFPNJ.
  82. The Last Christmas Tree (short story) by Mary T Wagner. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Women, Anthologies, Romance, Women’s Fiction, Short Stories, Collections & Anthologies, Holidays, Parenting & Relationships, Love & Romance, Domestic Life. Rated: 4.4 stars on 9 Reviews. 29 pages. ASIN: B00AOUORLE.
  83. Python Programming for Beginners: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learning the Basics of Python in a Great Crash Course Full of Notions, Tips and Tricks by PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ACADEMY. Price: Free. Genre: Python Computer Programming. Rated: 4.7 stars on 5 Reviews. ASIN: B082L3J5BM.
  84. LINUX Command-Line for Beginners: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Starting Guide to Learn Linux from Scratch to Bash Scripting and Shell Programming by Dylan Mach. Price: Free. Genre: Unix Computer Operating Systems, Linux. Rated: 4.7 stars on 4 Reviews. 145 pages. ASIN: B082K6XND1.
  85. Computer Programming for Beginners: This book include: Javascript for Beginners, Python Programming for Beginners, The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn SQL Programming, Learn Java Programming by Leonard Base. Price: Free. Genre: Programming Languages & Tools, Software Development. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 601 pages. ASIN: B082H49NQS.
  86. Kali Linux: A Comprehensive Step by Step Beginner’s Guide to Learn the Basics of Cybersecurity and Ethical Computer Hacking, Including Wireless Penetration Testing Tools to Secure Your Network by Jason Knox. Price: Free. Genre: Security & Encryption, Computer Operating Systems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 4 Reviews. 126 pages. ASIN: B082H2MLNK.
  87. Machine Learning for Beginners: A Beginner’s Guide to Start Out Your Journey With Data Science, by Jason Knox. Price: Free. Genre: Two-Hour Computers & Technology Short Reads, AI & Semantics, Programing Languages & Tools. Rated: 4.6 stars on 4 Reviews. 99 pages. ASIN: B082FTL525.
  88. HACKING WITH KALI LINUX THE ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE: by Nathan Jones. Price: Free. Genre: Encryption, Online Safety & Piracy. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. ASIN: B082GXYCM6.
  89. Python Machine Learning: The ways of Artificial Intelligence. The python machine learning for beginners: programming , data science, and data analysis. Language adapted for newbies by Mark Wilson. Price: Free. Genre: Python, Computer Programming. Rated: 4.1 stars on 6 Reviews. 124 pages. ASIN: B082MPL2Z2.

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